(The following is the transcript of the lecture portion of a channeling held in New York City on March 26, 2009. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We have to talk. And it’s been a long time since we’ve had the opportunity to address the situation that this group is in. And this is very simply said: A situation is a group endeavor. And you are all moving forward at one time, bringing others along with you as you grow.
Tonight we want to discuss what’s been happening and what has to happen in order to shift the energies in your personal situations. Tonight is about getting your lives in order in a way that we have not been able to address for a little while, because our energies have been focused on the group work of acclimating to the higher frequency. So we ask you each tonight to set this intention:
“I am choosing now to get my life in order. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Now this doesn’t really mean anything more than you get to understand what’s operating in your life that’s actually not working very well, and then you can attune to what might be required in order to transform it. Do you understand this?
We’re not asking you to make big changes, we’re simply asking you to see and understand what is operating in the new frequency with you and what is not. And we have to welcome Patrick, because this is all going to be very strange for someone who is new. But we want to tell you this: As your rise in frequency, as you change your consciousness to a new level of understanding, you bring to you new experience, and as you bring new experience to you, that which no longer supports you gets uncomfortable and maneuvers away or hangs out and causes problems until it’s cleared out.
So when we talk about housekeeping today what we are really talking about is looking at your lives and being in discernment. “This is not working for me anymore.” “I love him, but,” “She makes me crazy, why do I have lunch with her every week?” "What am I doing with this person?” “With this man?” “With this focus in my life?" "Why is my job feeling this way?”
Nobody’s asking you to leave anybody, we’re simply asking you to understand why you do what you do so that you can make choices based on your understanding of your requirements for your own growth. Does this make sense?
Now we’ve been doing cosmic work for a while, which means you’ve all been floating around and you’ve been ascending, as it were, in frequency and learning to adjust to a new set of experiences in your life as you attune to the possibility that your lives can be shifted in the vibration we create through the action of Word. And you’ve been doing this successfully to the extent that you’re actually getting uncomfortable in your lives. Do you understand this?
The feeling that things are outgrowing themselves is getting kind of itchy and this is an indication for you that the template is taking hold. And we talk about a template meaning the light you have brought through into your form that has been imprinted in your causal systems are anchoring in the frequency and identification of the self with the Word. When that happens, what needs to clear makes itself known.
Paul is seeing the image of someone who is literally breaking out of their clothes because they’ve gotten so tall. And that’s actually what’s happening here. You’re getting big, you’re getting focused, you’re rising up and why would you expect everything to remain the same as it was? So of course your house is a mess, and it’s only because you’ve outgrown a lot and you have to understand now that you are in choice. You are in wonderful choice. “I can stay, I can move, I can agree, I can disagree, but whatever I do with my energies I am in choice with.” Now you have to understand the responsibility of this. If you are not in choice with your decisions, you are passive and acting as if you are not the one party to the creation of your own life.
We are not telling you to make decisions for the sake of making decisions. We do want you to understand that everything that is in your life now you have created for a reason. And if you don’t need it anymore you change your creations. You have that much available to you.
Now Paul is already going, “I don’t get it. Why don’t I have a boyfriend? Why isn’t this? Why isn’t that? Why aren’t all the things I think should be there be present for me in my creations?” This is what housecleaning is about. “Why don’t I have what I want” implies very clearly that at you are holding onto something that is impeding your manifestations. Either a belief system or a cord to a system of belief that is not of your own creation but to a matrix of cosmic or cultural belief that is hindering you from bringing forth what you say you want.
Now if I say “I want a better place to live” but I don’t believe I am allowed to have that, you can put money on the fact that you’re not going to get it or your were, you would lose it pretty quickly. If I have somebody that I care about but I am not going to bring him into my life the way is say I do, it’s because this is not going to happen with the existing exchange of energies and belief systems that you are acquired with when you move into relationship.
What we are trying to tell you very simply is that your changes are your requirements. And we are not telling you anymore that you can sit back and say, “it’s not going to change.” If it’s not going to change it’s because you are not going to change. Do you understand the difference?
The ideal that you can sit back and let your life fall apart and come back together at random is actually kind of over. That’s a paradigm that you work with when you believed everything happened to you and not with you. You have come into an anchoring of a higher frequency, that’s what you need to understand. When you are working with a higher frequency, you have a responsibility to create with that energy in a new way.
Now we want to do some energy work with you tonight, and we have a full house, so we have to get things happening quickly in order for you each to understand that your lives are going to unfold and recreate themselves through your choices. So we would like you all to decide one thing.
“I want this choice that I make tonight to bring me into a new alignment with my belief and my willingness to manifest as the Creator in my life. I want this choice to bring me to a new understanding of my ability to create what I want in alignment with the higher will of the Creator. I want this choice to make me see my own response to my life in a way that will bring me wonder and happiness. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Now we are going to work with you individually. And because Patrick is here and we welcome this energy, we want to bring him into the new energies so that he can work with the group. Now Patrick you need to understand that on a causal level, your frequency vibrates at a certain level, and when you work with higher frequencies, you move your energy system up. It’s like amping up the stereo and the higher it goes, the more the frequency hits the walls and you feel it. And in a funny way, that’s very similar to what we d here when we tune people up.
We are raising this frequency in order for them to begin to identify with the energies that are working with them to bring them into a new alignment with the light, and we are welcoming you and anyone who wishes to partake in this experience of themselves as energy.
“I am Word through my body.” When we state this, what we are doing is we are saying “I am Word in form, in manifestation.” “I am Word,” means I am an aspect of Christ, God, whatever you want to call it manifesting in form. “I am Word though my body” is the first step.
The second step is “I am Word through my frequency. I am Word through my energy field.” Those are interchangeable. When you state this, what you are stating is that your frequency, the vibration that you are, is resonating in the higher frequency.
The final step, "I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word,” is an amplification of the self, and acknowledgment of the self as Christ in manifestation. I Am that I Am. I am Word. I am Word. I am Word.
So these are the energies and this is the system that the group operates in. And we are telling you this by way of introduction so you don’t think everybody’s so crazy. It sounds it, but once you feel it, you understand it and it is a blessing. “I am Word through my body, Word I am Word.” Affirm this please. “I am Word through my vibration. I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.”
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Channeling 3/12/2009
(The following is the transcript of a group channeling held in NYC on March 12, 2009. It was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We need to talk about things, and the transitions that are conspiring to bring you into the consciousness you have ascribed to. And we wait every week to discuss this with you fully, and we cannot do this without the intention to align you more fully to your own knowing.
So tonight, we want to bring you into the alignment of your knowing. And we say this very distinctly. When you are in your knowing, you are in your choice. And when you’re in your choice you begin to acclimate more completely to what you require to bring you to the next level of conscious action and manifestation. This is a direct quote:
"When I know what I know, I act on my knowing. When I act on my knowing, I come from a place of truth. When I come from a place of truth, I align to my Christed self and I create out of wisdom and understanding for the highest good of myself and all that I encounter." Period.
Work with this please. It is a meditation. It is something to work with actively.
Now, when you are in your knowing, you attribute things in a different way. You do not assume any more. You do not fight anymore. You do not question what you know. Now, there are different levels of knowing and the knowing that we speak about now is a level of truth. We are not talking about, "I know I need to take a bath," or "I know the dog hasn't been walked." We are talking about, "I know what I need to know to move me forward in perfect ways."
Most of you have gone about your lives with questions of why. “Why did it happen?” “Why did I bring this to me?” “Why did I create this?” “Why did that happen to her?” And these questions are all good to the extent that they don't put you in a place of complete disempowerment. When you are operating from your victim self that requires itself to be told what is it to mean anything, you are not in your knowing. You are in your fear. When you create from fear, you create problems. When you create problems, you deal with them through your energy systems and through your physical reality. This is very important to understand. The choice now to accommodate yourself as the one who knows is important and crucial to this next phase of development this group is going to embark on. And in order to do this, we need you to understand. We need you to require yourself to come from your knowing. "I will do this now. I will come from my knowing in a new way. Word I am word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, we bring to you an honor and a caution. When you know what you know, you resonate truthfully. You know it in your bones. You feel it in your frequency, you are in your knowing. When you are not in your knowing, understand this, you are pretending to know. And are pretending to know based on past assumptions of what you thought you knew in the past. “This guy must like me 'cause he looked at me that way.” “That man must want my money because he looked at my purse.” The man you thought wanted you may want your purse and the man you think wants your purse may want it because it looks nice with his shoes. You have no idea what people are really thinking when you operate from past assumption. Past assumption is enormously valuable on a level of learning. You know now that, if you stick your finger in the fire, it’s going to get burned. So, you don't do it. That's healthy. You KNOW that. But you know that.
Now, when we say you pretend to know, you can convince yourself of nearly anything. And frankly, you might as well because that is what everybody else is doing. They are convincing themselves that if they don't have the perfect house, or the perfect body, or the perfect job, or anything like that, that their life isn't what they thought it was and they are putting their beliefs in transient things.
We are not knocking things. We are simply saying that stuff goes and you might as well get right to that point now. That stuff is not going to be around in a hundred years. So, don't get attached. But, guess what everybody? You will be. You will be here next lifetime and the one after that and you will always be existing some place or other in consciousness.
Now, fake knowing and pretending to know is ultimately assumption and assumption isn't going to get you anywhere right now. But what is going to get you some place is learning what knowing is. And what knowing is yourself at a core level in resonance with truth. Do you understand this? Your core level of understanding and being in resonance with truth.
So, we do an exercise with you now and it’s a very simple one. We want you to go into your heart and remember a time when you knew something--when you KNEW it. "I knew my husband was leaving me.” “ I knew my kid was sick.””I knew I had to get out of that job.” “I knew the house was on fire." You all have experience of knowing. So, right now, feel it. Move into the memory of the knowing and remember what it felt like to know and honor your knowing through this intention:
"I am now knowing what it feels like to know my truth in a resonate way that I can experience and respond to accurately. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, being in your knowing in that past memory in your knowing will align you to this frequency. Feel what it feels like to know at this moment in time. Make a mental note of it. Ask your body to tell you. Ask your energy frequency to give you permission to know what you need to know so that you really know what you know when you know it. This is imperative. We don't want any of you walking off a cliff when you know the road continues when, in fact, the road ends some place before. We don't want any of you knowing that there is a spouse cheating when, in fact, your are knowing that your suspicious mind is really working again.
So, you have to understand the differences. And what we are trying to do now with this experience is attune you to your own responsibility of your knowing. So, go back again and resonate with that memory of knowing. "I knew what I knew. It felt like this." Feel this please. You are doing this yourself. You are accessing yourself as a vehicle for your knowing. Can you feel this? Yes? Now, allow yourself to anchor in this memory in a way that you can use it to give yourself information perfectly in future times. You will do this with this intention:
"I am now setting the intention to align myself to my knowing in a way that I can be in response to completely, in a way that I may know, trust, and feel. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, we want to talk about what we mean about the imperative nature of this decree. So many of you, until this time, have assumed you are where you wanted to be because you were where you thought you were supposed to be. You were in the job you believed you should be in. Or in the relationship. Or in the town. You believed these things because you have made assumptions, not only about yourself, but about what has been expected of you as a person, as a son or a daughter, as spouse, as an artist, as a gay man or woman. You have all made choices that you assumed to be true based on heritage. And by heritage we mean your history. Your history as a culture and your history as a man and a woman. You have done this without intention to be in your truth, but to be in the intention to do what you believed was expected of you. Now, there is nothing wrong with this. You have all done it. The whole planet’s been doing it. And guess what everybody? The game is over. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel good to operate from a place where false expectations masquerade as ideals and as your own action in truth when, in fact, you are merely in response to what you thought you were supposed to do.
Now, we want to remind you of something. The cultural matrix that you exist in operates in a very firm way. Every community has its own rules and every culture has its own laws. And many of these things have been put in place for very valid reasons. And we want to honor the intention to keep order on a certain level because it keeps people safe. However, the moment these become untrue responses to situations, the moment they become distortions of truth, they become limitations that you have ascribed to and the culture has to change.
"We don't feed our poor because every man must take of himself." That is a false belief. You must feed your poor; you must, you must, you must. You must take care of others. That is not false. That is a decree. However, you do not take care of others to the extent that you enable them in they're poverty. You do not take care of others to the extent that you give them permission to harm themselves. You give permission to others to grow through your intention to Word through and to benefit them on a practical way.
So, a culture that ascribes to selfishness must change. A culture that believes that profit is more valuable than human dignity must change. These things have to happen now. The paradigm is breaking open and when the paradigm breaks open, everything that has kept it sealed, the levels of control that have been in place for thousands of years around codes of conduct that limit people by negative infractions and disciplines that are not based in truth come up to be cleared.
Now, there is nothing wrong with a law that says, "Thou shalt not kill." That is a true law that is not decreed falsely. But if you look at this government or any government in the world that ascribes to war, you will see the level of distortion that we speak of. And we speak with passion tonight because we believe firmly that the paradigm has to change. And when it does, there is beauty. But until that time, there is strife. And this strife, we understand, is corrected by you individually as you move through your consciousness.
Once you leave a marriage that is based on abuse, you align to freedom. Once you leave a system that is controlled by greed, you benefit in many other ways. Once you listen to your own truth at a deep level you understand the lies that you have believed to be true. So, we honor you fully but we want you in your truth fully in order to be a magistrate of light. And to be a magistrate of light means to be a minister of consciousness in a real way. Not a minister with a collar, but one who is in her ministry through her consciousness and her actions in this world. Period.
When we say to you it is time to be in your knowing, we are not calling you to service. We are telling you that if you don't do this, you are the one who perpetuates herself in limitation. It’s that simple. You don't need to be there anymore. You are in your truth. You are in your consciousness. And, in fact, you have been aligning to a vibration that is much higher than you believe you have, and you are going to experience it fully to night if you chose to.
You are waking up everybody. You are waking up. You feel it. You know it. You know what it means. You can't articulate it yet. You go, "Oh my, do I have to?" Well everybody, its happening. It is not happening to this group solo. It is happening to the world. People understand this in little ways. They feel things that they don't like. They understand things that they don't know why they understand. Suddenly, what was familiar begins to feel strange and what they had confidence in begins to rule another level of reality than the one they find themselves operating in. And that means, quite simply, that the fish is floating out of the tank. And there is clean water that the fish is flying around in. And the old water is still there and you’re still going, "Where am I swimming? Why does it feel so clear?"
Well we will tell you this, the vibrations that are present now in consciousness are activating you. Everyone. One at a time. In ways that are appropriate to the individuals learning. That's happening. People are waking up. It is time for this. Very simply put, it is time.
Now, there is nothing to know except that “I know that I know.” There is nothing else. You don't have to search for knowledge. You are the knowledge inside you. You will resonate with the truth and you will know. It is not about alchemy. It is not about math. It is not about knowing the states of the union. It is about knowing “I am Word.” When you know this, when you know that yourself is an aspect of the creator, realizing herself in form, in consciousness, and through her actions, you know what you know. There is no doubt. There is no fear. You have crossed the bridge. You stand on the other shore in your light body and you beam yourself around as required. That is a metaphor. We are beaming you. You are beaming. We are all light incarnating as ourselves.
The density of the past still holds, but it is cracking. It is releasing and you are experiencing it. So, we will tell you now, the definitive YES to know will anchor you in your knowing. Now we want to accommodate you with some energy work that will support you in this and once you can do this comfortably, you can use it on your own as a tool to realize what you know when you need to know it.
Ask yourself one thing now that you need to know, or you believe you need to know. "When will he love me? When will I get the promotion? When will it happen? What is the right job? What is my career? What is my calling? What is my belief system?" Ask something that you need to know for yourself at this time. And go into you center. Go into your heart. And we will bring the light there.
“I am Word through my knowing. Word I am Word.” Believe what you get when you hear it, when you feel it, or when you know it. It is up to you. It will come in the way that is perfect for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Believe, believe, believe. “I am in my knowing. Word I am word through this intention. Word I am Word. “And let the heart open to it. “I am in my knowing. Word I am Word.” Receive, receive, receive.
The body knows itself now as a vehicle to the energy that has been working with it. This is a big shift. You've all gotten past the misappropriation of the idea that the body is who you are, but that the body is a vehicle for your consciousness. So, congratulations. The fact that you all own this now, fully or are almost there fully, you can get it more quickly as you honor your knowing. You don't expect it to come in a three dimensional form.
Now we will tell you this again. Your energy field is a transmitter and you can honor the information that comes to you to the extent that you are in true alignment. There is truth when you are in alignment. When you are out of alignment, when you are in your fear, you need to be a little more cautious about what comes through you. We will give you an example.
If you are getting information in consciousness that says, "Go quit your job.” “Go have a fight.” “Go make something bad," you better know, right now, that you are not in a high frequency. You will never get that information from Spirit in a truthful way in a high level of informational transmission. It will not happen. So, we are going to guard you now and get you a benefit to your own consciousness so that you can affirm that you are only open to those informations and requirements for knowing that are in alignment with your highest good.
"I am Word through the intention to protected from any low level energies or information that would misguide me, frighten me, harm me, or use me for their own benefit in any way. I am safe in my light. I am safe in my knowing. And I am protected by the Christ vibration. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Receive, receive, receive. Receive, receive, receive. Blessings to each of you.
Now we need to do some energy work with you. And tonight is an important night because we have reconfigured and we have a guest that needs the frequency. So, you have been working for a while and now, you are going to bless the one who has come in humility to receive himself fully as Word. Now, this is a gift that you give others and you must understand this. When you operate with the Word in action, you gift those before you with its frequency. You do not do it through any other intention than to gift them with light.
We need to talk about things, and the transitions that are conspiring to bring you into the consciousness you have ascribed to. And we wait every week to discuss this with you fully, and we cannot do this without the intention to align you more fully to your own knowing.
So tonight, we want to bring you into the alignment of your knowing. And we say this very distinctly. When you are in your knowing, you are in your choice. And when you’re in your choice you begin to acclimate more completely to what you require to bring you to the next level of conscious action and manifestation. This is a direct quote:
"When I know what I know, I act on my knowing. When I act on my knowing, I come from a place of truth. When I come from a place of truth, I align to my Christed self and I create out of wisdom and understanding for the highest good of myself and all that I encounter." Period.
Work with this please. It is a meditation. It is something to work with actively.
Now, when you are in your knowing, you attribute things in a different way. You do not assume any more. You do not fight anymore. You do not question what you know. Now, there are different levels of knowing and the knowing that we speak about now is a level of truth. We are not talking about, "I know I need to take a bath," or "I know the dog hasn't been walked." We are talking about, "I know what I need to know to move me forward in perfect ways."
Most of you have gone about your lives with questions of why. “Why did it happen?” “Why did I bring this to me?” “Why did I create this?” “Why did that happen to her?” And these questions are all good to the extent that they don't put you in a place of complete disempowerment. When you are operating from your victim self that requires itself to be told what is it to mean anything, you are not in your knowing. You are in your fear. When you create from fear, you create problems. When you create problems, you deal with them through your energy systems and through your physical reality. This is very important to understand. The choice now to accommodate yourself as the one who knows is important and crucial to this next phase of development this group is going to embark on. And in order to do this, we need you to understand. We need you to require yourself to come from your knowing. "I will do this now. I will come from my knowing in a new way. Word I am word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, we bring to you an honor and a caution. When you know what you know, you resonate truthfully. You know it in your bones. You feel it in your frequency, you are in your knowing. When you are not in your knowing, understand this, you are pretending to know. And are pretending to know based on past assumptions of what you thought you knew in the past. “This guy must like me 'cause he looked at me that way.” “That man must want my money because he looked at my purse.” The man you thought wanted you may want your purse and the man you think wants your purse may want it because it looks nice with his shoes. You have no idea what people are really thinking when you operate from past assumption. Past assumption is enormously valuable on a level of learning. You know now that, if you stick your finger in the fire, it’s going to get burned. So, you don't do it. That's healthy. You KNOW that. But you know that.
Now, when we say you pretend to know, you can convince yourself of nearly anything. And frankly, you might as well because that is what everybody else is doing. They are convincing themselves that if they don't have the perfect house, or the perfect body, or the perfect job, or anything like that, that their life isn't what they thought it was and they are putting their beliefs in transient things.
We are not knocking things. We are simply saying that stuff goes and you might as well get right to that point now. That stuff is not going to be around in a hundred years. So, don't get attached. But, guess what everybody? You will be. You will be here next lifetime and the one after that and you will always be existing some place or other in consciousness.
Now, fake knowing and pretending to know is ultimately assumption and assumption isn't going to get you anywhere right now. But what is going to get you some place is learning what knowing is. And what knowing is yourself at a core level in resonance with truth. Do you understand this? Your core level of understanding and being in resonance with truth.
So, we do an exercise with you now and it’s a very simple one. We want you to go into your heart and remember a time when you knew something--when you KNEW it. "I knew my husband was leaving me.” “ I knew my kid was sick.””I knew I had to get out of that job.” “I knew the house was on fire." You all have experience of knowing. So, right now, feel it. Move into the memory of the knowing and remember what it felt like to know and honor your knowing through this intention:
"I am now knowing what it feels like to know my truth in a resonate way that I can experience and respond to accurately. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, being in your knowing in that past memory in your knowing will align you to this frequency. Feel what it feels like to know at this moment in time. Make a mental note of it. Ask your body to tell you. Ask your energy frequency to give you permission to know what you need to know so that you really know what you know when you know it. This is imperative. We don't want any of you walking off a cliff when you know the road continues when, in fact, the road ends some place before. We don't want any of you knowing that there is a spouse cheating when, in fact, your are knowing that your suspicious mind is really working again.
So, you have to understand the differences. And what we are trying to do now with this experience is attune you to your own responsibility of your knowing. So, go back again and resonate with that memory of knowing. "I knew what I knew. It felt like this." Feel this please. You are doing this yourself. You are accessing yourself as a vehicle for your knowing. Can you feel this? Yes? Now, allow yourself to anchor in this memory in a way that you can use it to give yourself information perfectly in future times. You will do this with this intention:
"I am now setting the intention to align myself to my knowing in a way that I can be in response to completely, in a way that I may know, trust, and feel. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Now, we want to talk about what we mean about the imperative nature of this decree. So many of you, until this time, have assumed you are where you wanted to be because you were where you thought you were supposed to be. You were in the job you believed you should be in. Or in the relationship. Or in the town. You believed these things because you have made assumptions, not only about yourself, but about what has been expected of you as a person, as a son or a daughter, as spouse, as an artist, as a gay man or woman. You have all made choices that you assumed to be true based on heritage. And by heritage we mean your history. Your history as a culture and your history as a man and a woman. You have done this without intention to be in your truth, but to be in the intention to do what you believed was expected of you. Now, there is nothing wrong with this. You have all done it. The whole planet’s been doing it. And guess what everybody? The game is over. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel good to operate from a place where false expectations masquerade as ideals and as your own action in truth when, in fact, you are merely in response to what you thought you were supposed to do.
Now, we want to remind you of something. The cultural matrix that you exist in operates in a very firm way. Every community has its own rules and every culture has its own laws. And many of these things have been put in place for very valid reasons. And we want to honor the intention to keep order on a certain level because it keeps people safe. However, the moment these become untrue responses to situations, the moment they become distortions of truth, they become limitations that you have ascribed to and the culture has to change.
"We don't feed our poor because every man must take of himself." That is a false belief. You must feed your poor; you must, you must, you must. You must take care of others. That is not false. That is a decree. However, you do not take care of others to the extent that you enable them in they're poverty. You do not take care of others to the extent that you give them permission to harm themselves. You give permission to others to grow through your intention to Word through and to benefit them on a practical way.
So, a culture that ascribes to selfishness must change. A culture that believes that profit is more valuable than human dignity must change. These things have to happen now. The paradigm is breaking open and when the paradigm breaks open, everything that has kept it sealed, the levels of control that have been in place for thousands of years around codes of conduct that limit people by negative infractions and disciplines that are not based in truth come up to be cleared.
Now, there is nothing wrong with a law that says, "Thou shalt not kill." That is a true law that is not decreed falsely. But if you look at this government or any government in the world that ascribes to war, you will see the level of distortion that we speak of. And we speak with passion tonight because we believe firmly that the paradigm has to change. And when it does, there is beauty. But until that time, there is strife. And this strife, we understand, is corrected by you individually as you move through your consciousness.
Once you leave a marriage that is based on abuse, you align to freedom. Once you leave a system that is controlled by greed, you benefit in many other ways. Once you listen to your own truth at a deep level you understand the lies that you have believed to be true. So, we honor you fully but we want you in your truth fully in order to be a magistrate of light. And to be a magistrate of light means to be a minister of consciousness in a real way. Not a minister with a collar, but one who is in her ministry through her consciousness and her actions in this world. Period.
When we say to you it is time to be in your knowing, we are not calling you to service. We are telling you that if you don't do this, you are the one who perpetuates herself in limitation. It’s that simple. You don't need to be there anymore. You are in your truth. You are in your consciousness. And, in fact, you have been aligning to a vibration that is much higher than you believe you have, and you are going to experience it fully to night if you chose to.
You are waking up everybody. You are waking up. You feel it. You know it. You know what it means. You can't articulate it yet. You go, "Oh my, do I have to?" Well everybody, its happening. It is not happening to this group solo. It is happening to the world. People understand this in little ways. They feel things that they don't like. They understand things that they don't know why they understand. Suddenly, what was familiar begins to feel strange and what they had confidence in begins to rule another level of reality than the one they find themselves operating in. And that means, quite simply, that the fish is floating out of the tank. And there is clean water that the fish is flying around in. And the old water is still there and you’re still going, "Where am I swimming? Why does it feel so clear?"
Well we will tell you this, the vibrations that are present now in consciousness are activating you. Everyone. One at a time. In ways that are appropriate to the individuals learning. That's happening. People are waking up. It is time for this. Very simply put, it is time.
Now, there is nothing to know except that “I know that I know.” There is nothing else. You don't have to search for knowledge. You are the knowledge inside you. You will resonate with the truth and you will know. It is not about alchemy. It is not about math. It is not about knowing the states of the union. It is about knowing “I am Word.” When you know this, when you know that yourself is an aspect of the creator, realizing herself in form, in consciousness, and through her actions, you know what you know. There is no doubt. There is no fear. You have crossed the bridge. You stand on the other shore in your light body and you beam yourself around as required. That is a metaphor. We are beaming you. You are beaming. We are all light incarnating as ourselves.
The density of the past still holds, but it is cracking. It is releasing and you are experiencing it. So, we will tell you now, the definitive YES to know will anchor you in your knowing. Now we want to accommodate you with some energy work that will support you in this and once you can do this comfortably, you can use it on your own as a tool to realize what you know when you need to know it.
Ask yourself one thing now that you need to know, or you believe you need to know. "When will he love me? When will I get the promotion? When will it happen? What is the right job? What is my career? What is my calling? What is my belief system?" Ask something that you need to know for yourself at this time. And go into you center. Go into your heart. And we will bring the light there.
“I am Word through my knowing. Word I am Word.” Believe what you get when you hear it, when you feel it, or when you know it. It is up to you. It will come in the way that is perfect for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Believe, believe, believe. “I am in my knowing. Word I am word through this intention. Word I am Word. “And let the heart open to it. “I am in my knowing. Word I am Word.” Receive, receive, receive.
The body knows itself now as a vehicle to the energy that has been working with it. This is a big shift. You've all gotten past the misappropriation of the idea that the body is who you are, but that the body is a vehicle for your consciousness. So, congratulations. The fact that you all own this now, fully or are almost there fully, you can get it more quickly as you honor your knowing. You don't expect it to come in a three dimensional form.
Now we will tell you this again. Your energy field is a transmitter and you can honor the information that comes to you to the extent that you are in true alignment. There is truth when you are in alignment. When you are out of alignment, when you are in your fear, you need to be a little more cautious about what comes through you. We will give you an example.
If you are getting information in consciousness that says, "Go quit your job.” “Go have a fight.” “Go make something bad," you better know, right now, that you are not in a high frequency. You will never get that information from Spirit in a truthful way in a high level of informational transmission. It will not happen. So, we are going to guard you now and get you a benefit to your own consciousness so that you can affirm that you are only open to those informations and requirements for knowing that are in alignment with your highest good.
"I am Word through the intention to protected from any low level energies or information that would misguide me, frighten me, harm me, or use me for their own benefit in any way. I am safe in my light. I am safe in my knowing. And I am protected by the Christ vibration. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word."
Receive, receive, receive. Receive, receive, receive. Blessings to each of you.
Now we need to do some energy work with you. And tonight is an important night because we have reconfigured and we have a guest that needs the frequency. So, you have been working for a while and now, you are going to bless the one who has come in humility to receive himself fully as Word. Now, this is a gift that you give others and you must understand this. When you operate with the Word in action, you gift those before you with its frequency. You do not do it through any other intention than to gift them with light.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Channeling 3/5/09
(The following is the lecture portion of a group channeling held in NYC on March 5, 2009. The lecture was followed by group and individual energy work.)
We want to talk about things as they are before we go farther. Paul has talked about the book, and we want you to understand your place in the manifestation of this creation. In fact, you are a part of the book, because you are the lab with which this book is taking place, and our work with you up until now is what has aligned us to the proof that this work can be done on a larger scale.
You have convened every week and you have sat here patiently and you have anointed yourself through your intentions to grow into the Word, to believe that you can become who you are at a Christed level. And you have done with intelligence, and you have done this with honor, and you have done this with the willingness to show up regardless of what you felt about it all to see what would happen. And the reason you did this was because the energy was palpable to you. Because you felt the changes happen. Because you believed, on a cellular level, that you were being transformed by your engagement with the energy we call the Word.
So we want to congratulate you, one and all, for your willingness to step up to the plate and we want to admit now, that for a period of time, we actually doubted that this work could transpire. We believed, for a period of time, that there would be a lack of interest, a lack of goal oriented work, in terms of appearing, showing up and resolving again and again to set up an intention to manifest the self as Word. You have done this anyway, and we are pleased.
And we have arrived each week at the appointed time to teach you. And we will continue to do this even as your group commands larger audiences, and even as you become part of the teachers who will work with this energy in your own groups, when you choose to, because that is what’s going to happen. When it becomes time for you to work with this energy on a conscious level, some of you may chose to do this in your own way, with your own inspiration. And we will support you in this work, but we will also tell you, this has to happen at the right time. But we want to honor the preparation that you have engaged in because we believe now that the manifestation of Word is coming into being through you, with you, with your intention, individually and collectively to become yourself at a higher frequency. So congratulations all. The work has begun.
We said you were anchoring in a foundation and the foundation is present, and now that the foundation is present, the work of building can truly commence. So you want to know, “What do I build? What am I building?” You are the house that the energy exists in, so the timbers have been cut, they have been erected, the beams have been sealed and everything is in place. You are the structure, really, for the vibration of the Word to begin to inhabit itself in this creation that is your body, that is your energy field.
We want to make some distinctions now about what we mean by an energy field. Your aura, in fact, is your frequency. It radiates around you as an egg shaped orb transmitting information through your consciousness to the mind. It also relays information elsewhere. Your auric field is actually the conductor of information from the higher realms into the being that you inhabit. So, in a funny way, once you understand that you are a transmitter, every one is, between this realm and the next, you can begin to honor that action. You can become an active transmitter.
When you actively transmit the frequency of the Word through intending to Word through someone or something, you are a transmitter. You are transmitting a higher frequency to and from the intended parties and you are doing this with a willingness to be a vehicle for the energies because, as you understand it, the ego self is not the energy. Period. You are part and parcel of this frequency, but you are not the creator of it, the Creator is, and it moves through you. So you are a conductor.
Now you can be a conductor for information as well. And you can be a conductor for emotional responses and feeling of others as well, and that is being an empath, and that is the work that Paul has been doing for some time. He feels what you feel and he can tell you what your brother in Schenectady feels if you really want to know, simply by tuning in. Now, he is not that gifted. He has an energy field that he developed through intention, and that is the reason we can support that work.
If you want that energy field and you want to operate at that level, you first have to ask. You have to state the intention that you wish to develop your own abilities, psychically, spiritually, empathically, in the ways that are appropriate for you. But we say to you this: This is not a special gift. This is what man is meant to do. Man is meant to work at this level without understanding, necessarily, what is happening, only to understand that the experience is valid and working with him in a way that he can honor and understand, finally, as truthful.
So we say to you this: When you are amplifying your own energies, you are actually refining them as well, and when your energies are in refinement, what you can do with them may startle you. So we want you to begin to understand that on a causal level, you are frequency. That the body is a vestige of this frequency vibrating at a denser energy. Period. But your higher frequencies, which are holding the body in your orb, have many things to do, and they will do them with you as you begin to align to them. So this is work. This is not automatic, this is choice, this is not a privilege, this is a choice and activation, if you wish it.
Now, when we talk about informational healing we are talking energy being given to you on a level of information that the conscious mind then integrates into pictures and words in order to support someone in his or her healing. And the vibrational frequency that your body then holds can be transmitted to realign the energy field of the client, and that is healing. You are taking an energy that has become distorted or blocked or is not at a high frequency, and you are healing it through the higher frequencies that will come into play and realign it to its perfection.
Now you can do this through your hands, but you can also do it though your intentions, because the energy field that you are now beginning to operate is actually a creation, and this creation of Christ can heal. It is one of the gifts of the spirit, to be a healer, and if you want to know the other gifts you can read them in the book. Period.
But we will tell you this: To be a healer is to be in the intention to heal, to be in the Christ is to be in the intention of Christ and when you are working in tandem with the intention to heal, and to vibrate and resonate as the Christ, what you will do will be miraculous.
Now we say to you this. We are not making any false promises. It’s up to you to realize the frequency at the level that it needs to be at in order for healing to occur. You cannot tell someone that they can walk a tightrope and then let them stand on a saggy cord. They will fall over. And your resonance, which is in fact the tightrope or the tightening cord, will support you as you are ready for it.
So we say to you this: Your experience of energies will begin to change once and for all, and when that happens your choices will begin to move, again and again and again, in different ways. We cannot tell you what you will choose when you are at this place of consciousness. We can only tell you will choose and you will choose from your highest self available to you.
There are degrees of knowing. There are degrees of amplification. There are degrees of realization before you. You cannot get them all in one day, you cannot get them all in one lifetime. However, what you will be receiving now, and what this group is working towards is the manifestation of the Christ self, and that means to be vibrating in the Christ frequency. And that means to inhabit yourself in a higher dimension as you operate on this plane.
Now we want to say to the group, the focus of this night is actually a clearing of the soul’s fears of this incarnation. And this is a very big thing. We spoke to you last week about choice, and we will say to you this. We can only give you choice when you say yes. We can only give you the work when you say yes. We will not tell you again that you are the one choosing. You are the one choosing, and you will continue to choose. But if you take this next step of a release of the soul’s fear of fully incarnating at the Christed level you will begin to shift your knowing fully.
Now when you shift your knowing fully, you actually change everything that you know. Now it does not mean that you throw out the baby with the bathwater, and if you know how to change a diaper, you continue to know how to change a diaper, or how to write a book, or how to sing a song. What we mean by knowing is actually the belief system that holds you in separation from the Creator. That is the membrane, that is the seal that is about to be broken: the self as separate from its creator. And that is the knowing that is going to come into place.
Many of you have had inklings of this. You have had experiences of understanding the self as one with the Creator. But they have been brief, and have been there primarily to show you that it’s possible and to give you an anchor for the rough seas of growth that always follow that experience. Because when one realizes himself as one with the Creator, everything is changed, but you still hold it, but then you have to let go of it, and that is the process of growth and spiritual growth that has been in passage for a very long time.
Now, we say now that the membrane that we speak of, which is the belief in separation, we say that it is present in all men still, on one level or another. It actually keeps you here. And there are aspects of the ego that are functional and developmentally required. Otherwise, you would wake up in the morning and put on the person’s clothes from the bed next to you, not realizing what was yours and what you could claim. So there is a level of identity that is required so that you can open your mail and pay your bills and all of that. That hangs out and that sticks around, although it becomes a lot less important at the stage of manifestation we speak of.
Now to you we say, if you accept this clearing, you are going to be rocked a bit, and rocked we mean changed, as if you are on the sea and the sea will transform you. It is not a terrible passage. It is not about fear. It is not about loss. It is about relinquishing a change of belief in a way that you have not expected because you have no frame of reference for what it is to be. We cannot tell you what it’s like to travel to the moon if you have not traveled to the moon, although you know very well what it’s like to take a taxi to the other side of town.
So this is that part of the journey that is unnamed and is a responsibility of yours to set the intention for. We will tell you this much: as you go through it, you will begin to believe that what we have been telling you is true on a level that you may not have yet been able to comprehend. And you will understand this through your own knowing because, of course, what is being addressed is your own knowing, the knowing of the self as a child of God, as a spirit incarnating in a body. Period. This is what is happening, this is what you will choose.
So tonight we do the work. We will talk only a little more because we want to work the energies and we have some answers for you for those of you that have been questioning and what we say to you is this. Your choice to manifest in this way was not chosen in this lifetime, you came here with this intention intact and already in place. You are here to do the work that you chose before incarnation. Now this is something big, and it actually means that you can require yourself to be in your path with the teachers, with the experiences that are appropriate for you.
Paul is one teacher that is worked through with the higher energies, and he is a healer and he is a mystic to the extent that the experience that he transmits is not of this field of frequency but of another dimensional vibration. So that is all he is. You are each this teacher as well. Every man and woman on this plane has the capacity for its own requirements as the teacher of the Great Light to come. There is no one on this plane who is not privileged in this energy. No one is special. We say this again. No one is special, and once you understand this fully, the beauty of your fellow man becomes so beautiful that you wish to cry when you see his face, because his face reflects back God in his matter, God in his creation, God as love.
Every man and woman is this energy. Some of you have worked with it through incarnations and are now ready to bring this work to the forefront. Others of you have called it to you in this lifetime so you may learn. No matter what the choice and what the reason, every man and woman has the choice now to become himself, to become herself in the frequency that we deem to be the Christ frequency. Period. So you say yes. You chose this before you came here.
Now what does this mean to your daily lives? Absolutely nothing right now. Your lives will alter as your consciousness alters. The questions that you have been having have been much to do with survival. It has been about “What do I do when?” and “What happens if?” and “What happens if it doesn’t manifest?” And this and that and this and that. And none of that is about present time.
You concerns need to be anchored in present time experience, and you need to be wondering in the self why you continue to feel the need to check out and go to the future and the past in ways that make you frightened. The vibration of the Word can work through the future as well as it can work though the past, but it only happens in present time. "I heal the past in the present." "I heal the future in the present." Because in fact, there is only the present energy frequency and everything else is attuned through possibility and through memory. But we work with you now in this body, in this frequency, and at this time.
In weeks to come we will begin to take your questions as part of the group or we will add a session with which you can inquire about the developments you are beginning to experience. But you must understand right now that your experience is going to be transforming, and don’t be surprised if it feels funny at first. It can be like being in an airplane when the fields change and there can be some turbulence as you move between frequencies. But that’s really all of it.
Once you align yourself at the next level of frequency, you feel great. You feel amazing, and you say, “Here I am. I finally got here,” and you’ll have enough time to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery and take a little tourist trip before you go up again to the next one, but that is how it works. That is the transitioning between each dimensional shift as your vibration increases in frequency
Now we will tell you this. This work tonight, as we said, is very important and we’re going to give you the option now of doing this in stages. In three weeks time, one week each stage, or aligning fully on this night to the frequency of releasing the belief in separation between the self and the Creator. If you do this at once you will have a different experience.
And we will say to you this: It will be as easy as it will be hard. And that means change comes fast. The slower acclimation and release will simply prolong the same event, but you will experience it on a lessening level. So it’s really like when you go to the doctor and he says “This will only hurt for a second” or he keep poking around to find the vein that you need to get to, and extends the pain. It’s really up to you. One is significant, the other is significant, neither is that hard but we are offering you the choice because you all have things to get done. And we are going to tell you this. Getting the things done when you are in a big shift can mean you have to stall while you get your bearings. You have to take a break while you breathe deeply. You have to take a walk to clear the mind when the mind feels overwhelmed. So what is your choice? Do you wish to do this tonight or do you wish to do this in three stages? We are fine with either one. If you wish to do this in one night, please raise your hand.
Okay everybody. We’re signing on for the big one. Everybody said yes. We are in for a roller coaster ride. But we know it will be interesting and we will support you as you go forward.
We want to talk about things as they are before we go farther. Paul has talked about the book, and we want you to understand your place in the manifestation of this creation. In fact, you are a part of the book, because you are the lab with which this book is taking place, and our work with you up until now is what has aligned us to the proof that this work can be done on a larger scale.
You have convened every week and you have sat here patiently and you have anointed yourself through your intentions to grow into the Word, to believe that you can become who you are at a Christed level. And you have done with intelligence, and you have done this with honor, and you have done this with the willingness to show up regardless of what you felt about it all to see what would happen. And the reason you did this was because the energy was palpable to you. Because you felt the changes happen. Because you believed, on a cellular level, that you were being transformed by your engagement with the energy we call the Word.
So we want to congratulate you, one and all, for your willingness to step up to the plate and we want to admit now, that for a period of time, we actually doubted that this work could transpire. We believed, for a period of time, that there would be a lack of interest, a lack of goal oriented work, in terms of appearing, showing up and resolving again and again to set up an intention to manifest the self as Word. You have done this anyway, and we are pleased.
And we have arrived each week at the appointed time to teach you. And we will continue to do this even as your group commands larger audiences, and even as you become part of the teachers who will work with this energy in your own groups, when you choose to, because that is what’s going to happen. When it becomes time for you to work with this energy on a conscious level, some of you may chose to do this in your own way, with your own inspiration. And we will support you in this work, but we will also tell you, this has to happen at the right time. But we want to honor the preparation that you have engaged in because we believe now that the manifestation of Word is coming into being through you, with you, with your intention, individually and collectively to become yourself at a higher frequency. So congratulations all. The work has begun.
We said you were anchoring in a foundation and the foundation is present, and now that the foundation is present, the work of building can truly commence. So you want to know, “What do I build? What am I building?” You are the house that the energy exists in, so the timbers have been cut, they have been erected, the beams have been sealed and everything is in place. You are the structure, really, for the vibration of the Word to begin to inhabit itself in this creation that is your body, that is your energy field.
We want to make some distinctions now about what we mean by an energy field. Your aura, in fact, is your frequency. It radiates around you as an egg shaped orb transmitting information through your consciousness to the mind. It also relays information elsewhere. Your auric field is actually the conductor of information from the higher realms into the being that you inhabit. So, in a funny way, once you understand that you are a transmitter, every one is, between this realm and the next, you can begin to honor that action. You can become an active transmitter.
When you actively transmit the frequency of the Word through intending to Word through someone or something, you are a transmitter. You are transmitting a higher frequency to and from the intended parties and you are doing this with a willingness to be a vehicle for the energies because, as you understand it, the ego self is not the energy. Period. You are part and parcel of this frequency, but you are not the creator of it, the Creator is, and it moves through you. So you are a conductor.
Now you can be a conductor for information as well. And you can be a conductor for emotional responses and feeling of others as well, and that is being an empath, and that is the work that Paul has been doing for some time. He feels what you feel and he can tell you what your brother in Schenectady feels if you really want to know, simply by tuning in. Now, he is not that gifted. He has an energy field that he developed through intention, and that is the reason we can support that work.
If you want that energy field and you want to operate at that level, you first have to ask. You have to state the intention that you wish to develop your own abilities, psychically, spiritually, empathically, in the ways that are appropriate for you. But we say to you this: This is not a special gift. This is what man is meant to do. Man is meant to work at this level without understanding, necessarily, what is happening, only to understand that the experience is valid and working with him in a way that he can honor and understand, finally, as truthful.
So we say to you this: When you are amplifying your own energies, you are actually refining them as well, and when your energies are in refinement, what you can do with them may startle you. So we want you to begin to understand that on a causal level, you are frequency. That the body is a vestige of this frequency vibrating at a denser energy. Period. But your higher frequencies, which are holding the body in your orb, have many things to do, and they will do them with you as you begin to align to them. So this is work. This is not automatic, this is choice, this is not a privilege, this is a choice and activation, if you wish it.
Now, when we talk about informational healing we are talking energy being given to you on a level of information that the conscious mind then integrates into pictures and words in order to support someone in his or her healing. And the vibrational frequency that your body then holds can be transmitted to realign the energy field of the client, and that is healing. You are taking an energy that has become distorted or blocked or is not at a high frequency, and you are healing it through the higher frequencies that will come into play and realign it to its perfection.
Now you can do this through your hands, but you can also do it though your intentions, because the energy field that you are now beginning to operate is actually a creation, and this creation of Christ can heal. It is one of the gifts of the spirit, to be a healer, and if you want to know the other gifts you can read them in the book. Period.
But we will tell you this: To be a healer is to be in the intention to heal, to be in the Christ is to be in the intention of Christ and when you are working in tandem with the intention to heal, and to vibrate and resonate as the Christ, what you will do will be miraculous.
Now we say to you this. We are not making any false promises. It’s up to you to realize the frequency at the level that it needs to be at in order for healing to occur. You cannot tell someone that they can walk a tightrope and then let them stand on a saggy cord. They will fall over. And your resonance, which is in fact the tightrope or the tightening cord, will support you as you are ready for it.
So we say to you this: Your experience of energies will begin to change once and for all, and when that happens your choices will begin to move, again and again and again, in different ways. We cannot tell you what you will choose when you are at this place of consciousness. We can only tell you will choose and you will choose from your highest self available to you.
There are degrees of knowing. There are degrees of amplification. There are degrees of realization before you. You cannot get them all in one day, you cannot get them all in one lifetime. However, what you will be receiving now, and what this group is working towards is the manifestation of the Christ self, and that means to be vibrating in the Christ frequency. And that means to inhabit yourself in a higher dimension as you operate on this plane.
Now we want to say to the group, the focus of this night is actually a clearing of the soul’s fears of this incarnation. And this is a very big thing. We spoke to you last week about choice, and we will say to you this. We can only give you choice when you say yes. We can only give you the work when you say yes. We will not tell you again that you are the one choosing. You are the one choosing, and you will continue to choose. But if you take this next step of a release of the soul’s fear of fully incarnating at the Christed level you will begin to shift your knowing fully.
Now when you shift your knowing fully, you actually change everything that you know. Now it does not mean that you throw out the baby with the bathwater, and if you know how to change a diaper, you continue to know how to change a diaper, or how to write a book, or how to sing a song. What we mean by knowing is actually the belief system that holds you in separation from the Creator. That is the membrane, that is the seal that is about to be broken: the self as separate from its creator. And that is the knowing that is going to come into place.
Many of you have had inklings of this. You have had experiences of understanding the self as one with the Creator. But they have been brief, and have been there primarily to show you that it’s possible and to give you an anchor for the rough seas of growth that always follow that experience. Because when one realizes himself as one with the Creator, everything is changed, but you still hold it, but then you have to let go of it, and that is the process of growth and spiritual growth that has been in passage for a very long time.
Now, we say now that the membrane that we speak of, which is the belief in separation, we say that it is present in all men still, on one level or another. It actually keeps you here. And there are aspects of the ego that are functional and developmentally required. Otherwise, you would wake up in the morning and put on the person’s clothes from the bed next to you, not realizing what was yours and what you could claim. So there is a level of identity that is required so that you can open your mail and pay your bills and all of that. That hangs out and that sticks around, although it becomes a lot less important at the stage of manifestation we speak of.
Now to you we say, if you accept this clearing, you are going to be rocked a bit, and rocked we mean changed, as if you are on the sea and the sea will transform you. It is not a terrible passage. It is not about fear. It is not about loss. It is about relinquishing a change of belief in a way that you have not expected because you have no frame of reference for what it is to be. We cannot tell you what it’s like to travel to the moon if you have not traveled to the moon, although you know very well what it’s like to take a taxi to the other side of town.
So this is that part of the journey that is unnamed and is a responsibility of yours to set the intention for. We will tell you this much: as you go through it, you will begin to believe that what we have been telling you is true on a level that you may not have yet been able to comprehend. And you will understand this through your own knowing because, of course, what is being addressed is your own knowing, the knowing of the self as a child of God, as a spirit incarnating in a body. Period. This is what is happening, this is what you will choose.
So tonight we do the work. We will talk only a little more because we want to work the energies and we have some answers for you for those of you that have been questioning and what we say to you is this. Your choice to manifest in this way was not chosen in this lifetime, you came here with this intention intact and already in place. You are here to do the work that you chose before incarnation. Now this is something big, and it actually means that you can require yourself to be in your path with the teachers, with the experiences that are appropriate for you.
Paul is one teacher that is worked through with the higher energies, and he is a healer and he is a mystic to the extent that the experience that he transmits is not of this field of frequency but of another dimensional vibration. So that is all he is. You are each this teacher as well. Every man and woman on this plane has the capacity for its own requirements as the teacher of the Great Light to come. There is no one on this plane who is not privileged in this energy. No one is special. We say this again. No one is special, and once you understand this fully, the beauty of your fellow man becomes so beautiful that you wish to cry when you see his face, because his face reflects back God in his matter, God in his creation, God as love.
Every man and woman is this energy. Some of you have worked with it through incarnations and are now ready to bring this work to the forefront. Others of you have called it to you in this lifetime so you may learn. No matter what the choice and what the reason, every man and woman has the choice now to become himself, to become herself in the frequency that we deem to be the Christ frequency. Period. So you say yes. You chose this before you came here.
Now what does this mean to your daily lives? Absolutely nothing right now. Your lives will alter as your consciousness alters. The questions that you have been having have been much to do with survival. It has been about “What do I do when?” and “What happens if?” and “What happens if it doesn’t manifest?” And this and that and this and that. And none of that is about present time.
You concerns need to be anchored in present time experience, and you need to be wondering in the self why you continue to feel the need to check out and go to the future and the past in ways that make you frightened. The vibration of the Word can work through the future as well as it can work though the past, but it only happens in present time. "I heal the past in the present." "I heal the future in the present." Because in fact, there is only the present energy frequency and everything else is attuned through possibility and through memory. But we work with you now in this body, in this frequency, and at this time.
In weeks to come we will begin to take your questions as part of the group or we will add a session with which you can inquire about the developments you are beginning to experience. But you must understand right now that your experience is going to be transforming, and don’t be surprised if it feels funny at first. It can be like being in an airplane when the fields change and there can be some turbulence as you move between frequencies. But that’s really all of it.
Once you align yourself at the next level of frequency, you feel great. You feel amazing, and you say, “Here I am. I finally got here,” and you’ll have enough time to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery and take a little tourist trip before you go up again to the next one, but that is how it works. That is the transitioning between each dimensional shift as your vibration increases in frequency
Now we will tell you this. This work tonight, as we said, is very important and we’re going to give you the option now of doing this in stages. In three weeks time, one week each stage, or aligning fully on this night to the frequency of releasing the belief in separation between the self and the Creator. If you do this at once you will have a different experience.
And we will say to you this: It will be as easy as it will be hard. And that means change comes fast. The slower acclimation and release will simply prolong the same event, but you will experience it on a lessening level. So it’s really like when you go to the doctor and he says “This will only hurt for a second” or he keep poking around to find the vein that you need to get to, and extends the pain. It’s really up to you. One is significant, the other is significant, neither is that hard but we are offering you the choice because you all have things to get done. And we are going to tell you this. Getting the things done when you are in a big shift can mean you have to stall while you get your bearings. You have to take a break while you breathe deeply. You have to take a walk to clear the mind when the mind feels overwhelmed. So what is your choice? Do you wish to do this tonight or do you wish to do this in three stages? We are fine with either one. If you wish to do this in one night, please raise your hand.
Okay everybody. We’re signing on for the big one. Everybody said yes. We are in for a roller coaster ride. But we know it will be interesting and we will support you as you go forward.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Channeling 2/26/09
(The following is a transcript of the lecture portion of a group channeling held in NYC on February 26, 2009.)
So we’re going to talk first about the last two weeks, because that’s how long it has been since we’ve attended to you as a full group, and the ammunition that you have built up is really ready to fire. Which means the changes are coming now, they are rapid fire, they are correct, they are required and they are your choice. We say they are your choice because it cannot happen without your permission, and the recognition of this will transpire in this week’s time.
“I have a choice. I have a choice. I have a choice.” You affirm this each time you’re here, however, you understand that it’s mostly conjecture. “I’m giving my permission.” “Okay if it happens.” “I can handle it.” But that’s very, very different than affirming, “Yes. I am changing. I am willing to change. I am committed to my path” in a real time situation that confronts your belief. It’s easy to be a Protestant when you are with the Protestants. It’s a lot tougher when you’re with the Catholic in an Irish slum. And we do not use that lightly. You each have issues that are going to be confronted in the coming weeks about requirements for your own beliefs that you can do this work in a way that is triumphant and grand and active as opposed to frightened, convenient and worrisome.
“I am only in the Christ when I convene with my fellows on Thursday night when it’s safe for me to say I am doing this work. When I‘m someplace else and my fellows would not be open to it, I’m going to keep my mouth happily shut.” Now get this: No one is going to require you to announce yourself to the world. That is not the point here. But there is a point when each man and woman must say, “I am confirming my path. I am doing my work. And I don’t need somebody else to tell me that it’s okay or not to be on my path." And when we say confronted, it might be as simple someone saying to you “What is this crap?” Or “Aren’t you going to our church anymore? “ or “What did you believe before this?” How come you can’t articulate what you believe now, other than to say, “I guess I get it?”
Well, you’re in ownership now of your path to the extent that you say “yes.” And when you say yes, you stand firm in your truth and no one can blow you over, as it were. No one can say no but you. You are the only one that can say no to you anymore in regards to your faith, in terms of your belief, in terms of your own mission as a Christed soul.
Now, no one is coming to burn the witches again, it’s not that kind of thing. And no one’s here to tell you that you’re going to be confronted in a way that you cannot handle. However, you don’t have to answer “yes” until someone asks you the question “What do you care about? What does this mean to you?” and to the extent that you deny it, you actually hide your light under a bushel, as it were.
Now again, you are not being told to stand on a street corner and talk about things that are far from your truth. It’s not about that kind of action. It is about affirming your own worth, your own identity, your belief in your soul’s mission to align to your higher frequency. Period. We call this frequency the Christ. You can call it what you like. It’s the same thing regardless of the vocabulary you appoint to it. So are we being clear? You have choices. You will face them. Nothing happens badly. It’s only about understanding that you can do this, and when you do this, you become affirmed in your own soul’s identity by confirming your actions when you are confronted with someone who says, “What the heck is that? Why are you doing it? What do you believe in really?”
Now you’re not supposed to know everything. No one knows anything, really. And we’re going to say this to you very simply. We’re going to a ask that people be still now in body, too, because the energy is going to start to come through you. And we’re going to work with your bodies as Paul begins to shift out of the lecture and into the workshop portion of this night. However, what we want you to understand is, that when you change patterning, when you chose a new way of being, everything changes around you. You cannot expect the same view of the window of the car when you go down a new road. The comfort of the old road is placid and allows you, instead, to begin to focus on your interior. But the focus on the road before you is a road of word and action, “I am in my Word, I am in my action, I am in my truth, and there is no one and nothing that can change that.”
Paul has been asking questions lately, and the questions are as follows: “What happens when we do this work? What changes when we do this work? What do we believe and how do our beliefs change?” Some of this has been chronicled already, and this is important, and it is important that if you have not been attending, you read up and see what has been spoken about, because we have been used to repeating information here to bring everybody up to speed. And because the time is now compressing and things are moving very rapidly, we would prefer not to.
Time is changing. Things are happening quickly. You are going to understand things now that would have taken you years to get in the lesser frequency. The frequency now is attuned to you and to your growth. Not just this group, but all the groups, and not just these people, but all the people. Everybody’s getting it, in one way or another. And the amplification of this information and the energies that correspond to it is what’s shaking everything up so much. So each of you now has choices and Paul’s questions, such as they are, those that have not been answered, will begin to be answered along with yours in the weeks to come.
We are now transmitting through Paul a manuscript, a manifesto about what it means to become aligned to the higher frequencies. And this workshop, this school, this class is actually going to be the way that the work comes through the physical bodies and the consciousness because, in many ways, you have chosen to align to this work and to vibrate at the frequency that we call the Word. So in a funny way the laboratory that you are in is going to be spinning and spinning and spinning until everyone is caught up,
You have choices here. If you don’t want to change, you should stop attending. If you don’t want to know yourself, you should find another group that does not regard itself as intended to know. If you don’t want to listen to the vibration that you are, you should watch television instead. Now we are not being hard, we are being honorable by saying to you each that if you want to do the work, the work is gonna happen, and if you don’t want to do the work, the work will not happen. But others must do the work, and this group can only sustain the energies of those who are moving forward.
The vibrations that are lower and hold onto the past are very, very active now. Everybody is confronting them. And everyone is saying “No, I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to remember it. I don’t want to feel it and I don’t want to be it.” Every one of you is experiencing this and this is part of the resistance to the transformations that you are incurring through the vibration of Christ as it manifests through you. That which is anointed brings forth anointment. That which is holy brings forth holiness. And that which is fear can only bring forth more fear. So the choice to listen to the higher frequency in the face of the lie, in the face of the fear, is a magnificent one, but it’s a big one, it’s not easy and each one of you present must be aligned to the promise that you are willing to move through this.
Why do you all believe that convenience is the key to growth? Why do you all believe that listening is the same as knowing? And why do you all understand only that information which pleases you and corresponds to what you want to know because it keeps you safe? We are telling you bluntly because we put up with Paul and his tantrums for about a month, and several of you here are part of that, and you are in your own tantrums as well, and we honor them all in love and laughter and high regard. But we say to you this: Everything that is up now is up for a reason. Everything that is called into your face is present for knowing. And there is no one here who is without purpose in this change. There is no man here who is not aligned to his willingness to grow and there is no woman here who is not aligned to her promise to realize herself as the vibration in the Word.
So we are not telling you that we’re being angry. We are being firm. Because it is time now to get this show on the road. And it’s a big show everybody. It’s not a little one. There are things that are changing in a higher frequency that will begin to dismantle that which you believe to be true. Not only about yourselves but about your worth, about your being, about your sexual self, about your identity, about what you love and think and believe to be true. This is a big time. And we honor it. Now don’t suffer it. Don’t say “This is gonna be terrible.”
When you walk through a house of mirrors, you confront distortion. And you expect the distortion to be there in the funny mirrors. And guess what everybody? You’ve been in the house of mirrors all your life. And the reflections that you have seen and believe to be true are passing. And what is on the other side of this house is a house with no mirrors, but a clear reflection of who and what you are. And we bless you in this.
So when we say it’s not an ordeal, let it be no more of an ordeal than walking through the house of mirrors and then breathing the fresh air that stands on the other side. Everyone here has a mission to achieve in their lifetime. Everyone here has a knowing of that mission on a cellular level. Everyone here has a belief that they are worthy of it. And anything this is so true cannot be lied about by you to you or through you. You have to claim your own knowing now. You have to claim your own vibration now. And you have to be in the energy of the higher frequency to move through the changes that you are incurring through this intention:
“I Am Word through my being, Word I Am Word, I Am Word through my vibration, Word I Am Word, I Am Word through my knowing of myself as Word, Word I Am Word.”
This is sealed into your frequency. Each one of you has done this through intention. And we have said this to Paul earlier this week: That the frequency of the Christ, which is being established within each of you, which is grounding in you in a manifestation has needed a foundation with which to hold. And this foundation has been set. It has been imprinted in your field, and in your frequency. It is as if the seed has been planted and nothing else can happen but that the seed grows the fruit of what it is intended to be. And that is light. And that is manifestation of Christ consciousnesses and awareness of the self as a light on earth. Period.
That is the work of the time. That is it. Don’t fight it. Let it be. And let the waves carry you forward, as it were, and not backwards. Because the backlash, the residue of moving backwards is sad and harmful to you at this time. This is not meaning you are abandoning anything that you require. Understand this. You are moving forward in your choice, and what you leave behind you is what was manifested in fear, in doubt, in unknowing of your own worth.
Each of you has created things that stand in the way of your growth. They are boulders on the path and they must be released. And the light frequency will do it. But understand that these creations were imported by you for reasons you needed at a specific time in your life, in your development as a soul, in a past self’s carnation, all of these things, regardless, created problems that are now forced to be reckoned with. Period. So when you see the boulder on the road, you call forth the Word. You activate the self. “I Am Word through this thing I see before me. I Am Word through this pain. I see myself as knowing the answer. Word I Am Word through this intention. ” And then I move forward in my honor, and in my bravery.
We do not want you to delude the self and think that you are all powerful and that your problems are going to be vanquished in two weeks when you have sealed the foundation. What a foundation is, is that which holds firm the woodwork, the structure, the beams of the house that is being created in the likeness of God. That is what is happening here. For each of you. Don’t doubt it. Paul doubts it and gets yelled at. You don’t need to.
Now we say yell lightly. Nobody is really yelling, and Paul is loved deeply, as are all of you. We are simply trying to reinforce the idea that the times are changing rapidly. This country is change. This planet is in peril, and the transitions that are being made now in consciousness are required to hold the grid of light so that this planet can evolve to its next level of truth in frequency.
This is not about your personal growth anymore. This is not about your feeling better when you walk into an ashram. Or when you feel with your love. Or when you play with your crystals. Those days ended a long time ago. This is about the survival of the species in a higher frequency. The planet is changing, those on it are changing, and there is not time to play around anymore with the games of “I am good enough, or am I not good enough?" or "Is this a bunch of crap, or is it not?” Do you understand this? Those are the games of children, and you have played them well, but we honor you now as adults coming into their own wisdom as Christed beings, and we are discerning you as love incarnate as light incarnate and the embodiment of God, as is all mankind.
No one is without this. Again, again, again. No one is without this, and the belief in specialness will immediately squelch the higher frequency that is trying to align, so please don’t go there. It's not required. That is the old paradigm.
Everybody knows what’s really happening on a certain level. Everybody on the planet’s already aware that we are on the shift of a mass change in consciousness, and this has to happen now or never. Do you understand this? This is not a doomsday prophecy. We do not do that. However, it would be wrong minded of us not to tell you truth, and that is there is not time to play at your healing and your growth and your intention anymore. You’re either doing it by your will, or you’re dragged along in your resistance, or you’re gonna to stand by the side of the road and pretend that the parade isn’t really happening even though it feels like it, it looks like, and it sure sounds like it. Don’t you understand? Thank you.
Now we have talked a lot, but there are reasons we have talked a lot. And it’s because it’s significant that you each engage now in completeness with the willingness to serve the light. Please understand this. The willingness to serve the light means this: You will align yourself to your true purpose, whatever that may be, and you will bring to it your will, and that is all that is needed. You don’t have to know something you don’t know. You don’t have to go out and feed the poor, or teach, or do whatever’s not right for you. However, to be in service at this time will bring you into alignment more quickly than anything else we could tell you.
So at this time we ask you to affirm the following: "I am willing now to be in service to my light body, to my need to align to the Christ consciousness. I affirm my willingness to serve and I bring forth the knowledge that I need to do this in alignment with my higher will. Word I Am Word through this intention. Word I Am Word."
Now get to work everybody. And we don’t say this lightly. Get to work, get to work, get to work. Do the jobs you have come for, and do them with love. Do them with a high frequency and do this with choice. To be in love is the mission of the time. To deny love is to deny the mission of the time. To be in love is to be in the action of God. To deny love is to deny the soul’s purpose. To be in the Christ is to be in the realization of the self in your holiness, in your manifestation. To deny the Christ is to be in your fear and in your ego self that wants everything his way now. Period.
So get ready for the change. You’ve said yes. You can say yes again every time you doubt. And if you want to say no, and sit under a tree and think about it, you may do that as well, until it's time to get up again and move. No one is going to drag you against your will to your own light body, in feeling and in frequency. Period.
Now we get to work on your fields. We said earlier that your fields have established the Christ frequency embedded in them, imprinted in them, like a slogan, or a logo, or a seal in your energy field that affirms “I am Christ incarnating as myself.” It’s really that simple. So why not begin to feel what it feels like to be this frequency? Why not understand that it is not conjecture but a physical reality that we are discerning in and through you, one that can be experienced and aligned to frequency-wise so that you can work with it in your lives?
I am in Word. I am in the Word. I am in my knowing of the Word. I am in my energy frequency. And when I am in my energy frequency, I can do things at a higher frequency than I could at a low one. The sick can be healed at a high frequency. Matter can be transformed at a high frequency. Thoughts can be let go of that have ruled your lives at a high frequency. So why not go to the high frequency and remain there and see what it feels like?
Paul is seeing an image of a man balancing plates in the air on sticks, and that is what it has felt like to him to stay in balance through the changes of this time. It’s an accurate depiction of one who feels the need to control his environment by keeping all his plates in the air and in balance. If the sticks were not there to hold the plates up, they would fall to the ground and shatter, and that’s why he does this.
You each do this as well. You hold what’s important to you above you and then you try to keep it aloft with your intention. But the intention is not always a good one. It’s usually about saving something that doesn’t need to be there anyway. So we’re going to work with a new metaphor for Paul so he can get rid of the dangling plates. And you don’t have to follow this one either, if you don’t want to, but it will help you.
We ask you to see your life before you as a landscape. And as a beautiful landscape. And what lies on the landscape before you is a path. And it is a straight path. And when you enter onto that path, that which you need is presented to you in form. That which you require for your growth, that which you require for your love, that which you require for your sustenance are all presented to you, as you need them.
And on this path you walk by yourself and you see before you the other travelers on the road. And with their blessing, you acknowledge the Christ in them as you acknowledge the Christ within yourself. And you bow to the beauty that is before you in your fellow man, in your fellow woman. You bow to the magnificence that is created in God’s likeness. That is your job as a Christ, to bow before the creations of the Father and to witness them in their beauty and in their fullness. Period.
The road lands before you. It is never ending. You are always on a path of understanding and achievement in consciousness. So why do you get so frightened when a dish crashes to the ground before you? It was just a dish. You don’t always have to clean them up either; sometimes they just go away, because the path has led you forward anyway. Speak of this as a meditation that you can each do on your own when you worry about your lives:
“I am walking on my path. That which I need is presented to me in perfect ways. I am not longer afraid of the residue of my past catching up to me. Because the past is over. I have released it. I am free in my understanding of myself as the Word. I Am Word through my being, Word I Am Word. I Am Word through my forgiveness of myself for all things, past, present and future, Word I Am Word. I Am Word through the blessings that are forthcoming in my life through this time, and through all times. Word I am Word through this intention, Word I Am Word.”
So we’re going to talk first about the last two weeks, because that’s how long it has been since we’ve attended to you as a full group, and the ammunition that you have built up is really ready to fire. Which means the changes are coming now, they are rapid fire, they are correct, they are required and they are your choice. We say they are your choice because it cannot happen without your permission, and the recognition of this will transpire in this week’s time.
“I have a choice. I have a choice. I have a choice.” You affirm this each time you’re here, however, you understand that it’s mostly conjecture. “I’m giving my permission.” “Okay if it happens.” “I can handle it.” But that’s very, very different than affirming, “Yes. I am changing. I am willing to change. I am committed to my path” in a real time situation that confronts your belief. It’s easy to be a Protestant when you are with the Protestants. It’s a lot tougher when you’re with the Catholic in an Irish slum. And we do not use that lightly. You each have issues that are going to be confronted in the coming weeks about requirements for your own beliefs that you can do this work in a way that is triumphant and grand and active as opposed to frightened, convenient and worrisome.
“I am only in the Christ when I convene with my fellows on Thursday night when it’s safe for me to say I am doing this work. When I‘m someplace else and my fellows would not be open to it, I’m going to keep my mouth happily shut.” Now get this: No one is going to require you to announce yourself to the world. That is not the point here. But there is a point when each man and woman must say, “I am confirming my path. I am doing my work. And I don’t need somebody else to tell me that it’s okay or not to be on my path." And when we say confronted, it might be as simple someone saying to you “What is this crap?” Or “Aren’t you going to our church anymore? “ or “What did you believe before this?” How come you can’t articulate what you believe now, other than to say, “I guess I get it?”
Well, you’re in ownership now of your path to the extent that you say “yes.” And when you say yes, you stand firm in your truth and no one can blow you over, as it were. No one can say no but you. You are the only one that can say no to you anymore in regards to your faith, in terms of your belief, in terms of your own mission as a Christed soul.
Now, no one is coming to burn the witches again, it’s not that kind of thing. And no one’s here to tell you that you’re going to be confronted in a way that you cannot handle. However, you don’t have to answer “yes” until someone asks you the question “What do you care about? What does this mean to you?” and to the extent that you deny it, you actually hide your light under a bushel, as it were.
Now again, you are not being told to stand on a street corner and talk about things that are far from your truth. It’s not about that kind of action. It is about affirming your own worth, your own identity, your belief in your soul’s mission to align to your higher frequency. Period. We call this frequency the Christ. You can call it what you like. It’s the same thing regardless of the vocabulary you appoint to it. So are we being clear? You have choices. You will face them. Nothing happens badly. It’s only about understanding that you can do this, and when you do this, you become affirmed in your own soul’s identity by confirming your actions when you are confronted with someone who says, “What the heck is that? Why are you doing it? What do you believe in really?”
Now you’re not supposed to know everything. No one knows anything, really. And we’re going to say this to you very simply. We’re going to a ask that people be still now in body, too, because the energy is going to start to come through you. And we’re going to work with your bodies as Paul begins to shift out of the lecture and into the workshop portion of this night. However, what we want you to understand is, that when you change patterning, when you chose a new way of being, everything changes around you. You cannot expect the same view of the window of the car when you go down a new road. The comfort of the old road is placid and allows you, instead, to begin to focus on your interior. But the focus on the road before you is a road of word and action, “I am in my Word, I am in my action, I am in my truth, and there is no one and nothing that can change that.”
Paul has been asking questions lately, and the questions are as follows: “What happens when we do this work? What changes when we do this work? What do we believe and how do our beliefs change?” Some of this has been chronicled already, and this is important, and it is important that if you have not been attending, you read up and see what has been spoken about, because we have been used to repeating information here to bring everybody up to speed. And because the time is now compressing and things are moving very rapidly, we would prefer not to.
Time is changing. Things are happening quickly. You are going to understand things now that would have taken you years to get in the lesser frequency. The frequency now is attuned to you and to your growth. Not just this group, but all the groups, and not just these people, but all the people. Everybody’s getting it, in one way or another. And the amplification of this information and the energies that correspond to it is what’s shaking everything up so much. So each of you now has choices and Paul’s questions, such as they are, those that have not been answered, will begin to be answered along with yours in the weeks to come.
We are now transmitting through Paul a manuscript, a manifesto about what it means to become aligned to the higher frequencies. And this workshop, this school, this class is actually going to be the way that the work comes through the physical bodies and the consciousness because, in many ways, you have chosen to align to this work and to vibrate at the frequency that we call the Word. So in a funny way the laboratory that you are in is going to be spinning and spinning and spinning until everyone is caught up,
You have choices here. If you don’t want to change, you should stop attending. If you don’t want to know yourself, you should find another group that does not regard itself as intended to know. If you don’t want to listen to the vibration that you are, you should watch television instead. Now we are not being hard, we are being honorable by saying to you each that if you want to do the work, the work is gonna happen, and if you don’t want to do the work, the work will not happen. But others must do the work, and this group can only sustain the energies of those who are moving forward.
The vibrations that are lower and hold onto the past are very, very active now. Everybody is confronting them. And everyone is saying “No, I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to remember it. I don’t want to feel it and I don’t want to be it.” Every one of you is experiencing this and this is part of the resistance to the transformations that you are incurring through the vibration of Christ as it manifests through you. That which is anointed brings forth anointment. That which is holy brings forth holiness. And that which is fear can only bring forth more fear. So the choice to listen to the higher frequency in the face of the lie, in the face of the fear, is a magnificent one, but it’s a big one, it’s not easy and each one of you present must be aligned to the promise that you are willing to move through this.
Why do you all believe that convenience is the key to growth? Why do you all believe that listening is the same as knowing? And why do you all understand only that information which pleases you and corresponds to what you want to know because it keeps you safe? We are telling you bluntly because we put up with Paul and his tantrums for about a month, and several of you here are part of that, and you are in your own tantrums as well, and we honor them all in love and laughter and high regard. But we say to you this: Everything that is up now is up for a reason. Everything that is called into your face is present for knowing. And there is no one here who is without purpose in this change. There is no man here who is not aligned to his willingness to grow and there is no woman here who is not aligned to her promise to realize herself as the vibration in the Word.
So we are not telling you that we’re being angry. We are being firm. Because it is time now to get this show on the road. And it’s a big show everybody. It’s not a little one. There are things that are changing in a higher frequency that will begin to dismantle that which you believe to be true. Not only about yourselves but about your worth, about your being, about your sexual self, about your identity, about what you love and think and believe to be true. This is a big time. And we honor it. Now don’t suffer it. Don’t say “This is gonna be terrible.”
When you walk through a house of mirrors, you confront distortion. And you expect the distortion to be there in the funny mirrors. And guess what everybody? You’ve been in the house of mirrors all your life. And the reflections that you have seen and believe to be true are passing. And what is on the other side of this house is a house with no mirrors, but a clear reflection of who and what you are. And we bless you in this.
So when we say it’s not an ordeal, let it be no more of an ordeal than walking through the house of mirrors and then breathing the fresh air that stands on the other side. Everyone here has a mission to achieve in their lifetime. Everyone here has a knowing of that mission on a cellular level. Everyone here has a belief that they are worthy of it. And anything this is so true cannot be lied about by you to you or through you. You have to claim your own knowing now. You have to claim your own vibration now. And you have to be in the energy of the higher frequency to move through the changes that you are incurring through this intention:
“I Am Word through my being, Word I Am Word, I Am Word through my vibration, Word I Am Word, I Am Word through my knowing of myself as Word, Word I Am Word.”
This is sealed into your frequency. Each one of you has done this through intention. And we have said this to Paul earlier this week: That the frequency of the Christ, which is being established within each of you, which is grounding in you in a manifestation has needed a foundation with which to hold. And this foundation has been set. It has been imprinted in your field, and in your frequency. It is as if the seed has been planted and nothing else can happen but that the seed grows the fruit of what it is intended to be. And that is light. And that is manifestation of Christ consciousnesses and awareness of the self as a light on earth. Period.
That is the work of the time. That is it. Don’t fight it. Let it be. And let the waves carry you forward, as it were, and not backwards. Because the backlash, the residue of moving backwards is sad and harmful to you at this time. This is not meaning you are abandoning anything that you require. Understand this. You are moving forward in your choice, and what you leave behind you is what was manifested in fear, in doubt, in unknowing of your own worth.
Each of you has created things that stand in the way of your growth. They are boulders on the path and they must be released. And the light frequency will do it. But understand that these creations were imported by you for reasons you needed at a specific time in your life, in your development as a soul, in a past self’s carnation, all of these things, regardless, created problems that are now forced to be reckoned with. Period. So when you see the boulder on the road, you call forth the Word. You activate the self. “I Am Word through this thing I see before me. I Am Word through this pain. I see myself as knowing the answer. Word I Am Word through this intention. ” And then I move forward in my honor, and in my bravery.
We do not want you to delude the self and think that you are all powerful and that your problems are going to be vanquished in two weeks when you have sealed the foundation. What a foundation is, is that which holds firm the woodwork, the structure, the beams of the house that is being created in the likeness of God. That is what is happening here. For each of you. Don’t doubt it. Paul doubts it and gets yelled at. You don’t need to.
Now we say yell lightly. Nobody is really yelling, and Paul is loved deeply, as are all of you. We are simply trying to reinforce the idea that the times are changing rapidly. This country is change. This planet is in peril, and the transitions that are being made now in consciousness are required to hold the grid of light so that this planet can evolve to its next level of truth in frequency.
This is not about your personal growth anymore. This is not about your feeling better when you walk into an ashram. Or when you feel with your love. Or when you play with your crystals. Those days ended a long time ago. This is about the survival of the species in a higher frequency. The planet is changing, those on it are changing, and there is not time to play around anymore with the games of “I am good enough, or am I not good enough?" or "Is this a bunch of crap, or is it not?” Do you understand this? Those are the games of children, and you have played them well, but we honor you now as adults coming into their own wisdom as Christed beings, and we are discerning you as love incarnate as light incarnate and the embodiment of God, as is all mankind.
No one is without this. Again, again, again. No one is without this, and the belief in specialness will immediately squelch the higher frequency that is trying to align, so please don’t go there. It's not required. That is the old paradigm.
Everybody knows what’s really happening on a certain level. Everybody on the planet’s already aware that we are on the shift of a mass change in consciousness, and this has to happen now or never. Do you understand this? This is not a doomsday prophecy. We do not do that. However, it would be wrong minded of us not to tell you truth, and that is there is not time to play at your healing and your growth and your intention anymore. You’re either doing it by your will, or you’re dragged along in your resistance, or you’re gonna to stand by the side of the road and pretend that the parade isn’t really happening even though it feels like it, it looks like, and it sure sounds like it. Don’t you understand? Thank you.
Now we have talked a lot, but there are reasons we have talked a lot. And it’s because it’s significant that you each engage now in completeness with the willingness to serve the light. Please understand this. The willingness to serve the light means this: You will align yourself to your true purpose, whatever that may be, and you will bring to it your will, and that is all that is needed. You don’t have to know something you don’t know. You don’t have to go out and feed the poor, or teach, or do whatever’s not right for you. However, to be in service at this time will bring you into alignment more quickly than anything else we could tell you.
So at this time we ask you to affirm the following: "I am willing now to be in service to my light body, to my need to align to the Christ consciousness. I affirm my willingness to serve and I bring forth the knowledge that I need to do this in alignment with my higher will. Word I Am Word through this intention. Word I Am Word."
Now get to work everybody. And we don’t say this lightly. Get to work, get to work, get to work. Do the jobs you have come for, and do them with love. Do them with a high frequency and do this with choice. To be in love is the mission of the time. To deny love is to deny the mission of the time. To be in love is to be in the action of God. To deny love is to deny the soul’s purpose. To be in the Christ is to be in the realization of the self in your holiness, in your manifestation. To deny the Christ is to be in your fear and in your ego self that wants everything his way now. Period.
So get ready for the change. You’ve said yes. You can say yes again every time you doubt. And if you want to say no, and sit under a tree and think about it, you may do that as well, until it's time to get up again and move. No one is going to drag you against your will to your own light body, in feeling and in frequency. Period.
Now we get to work on your fields. We said earlier that your fields have established the Christ frequency embedded in them, imprinted in them, like a slogan, or a logo, or a seal in your energy field that affirms “I am Christ incarnating as myself.” It’s really that simple. So why not begin to feel what it feels like to be this frequency? Why not understand that it is not conjecture but a physical reality that we are discerning in and through you, one that can be experienced and aligned to frequency-wise so that you can work with it in your lives?
I am in Word. I am in the Word. I am in my knowing of the Word. I am in my energy frequency. And when I am in my energy frequency, I can do things at a higher frequency than I could at a low one. The sick can be healed at a high frequency. Matter can be transformed at a high frequency. Thoughts can be let go of that have ruled your lives at a high frequency. So why not go to the high frequency and remain there and see what it feels like?
Paul is seeing an image of a man balancing plates in the air on sticks, and that is what it has felt like to him to stay in balance through the changes of this time. It’s an accurate depiction of one who feels the need to control his environment by keeping all his plates in the air and in balance. If the sticks were not there to hold the plates up, they would fall to the ground and shatter, and that’s why he does this.
You each do this as well. You hold what’s important to you above you and then you try to keep it aloft with your intention. But the intention is not always a good one. It’s usually about saving something that doesn’t need to be there anyway. So we’re going to work with a new metaphor for Paul so he can get rid of the dangling plates. And you don’t have to follow this one either, if you don’t want to, but it will help you.
We ask you to see your life before you as a landscape. And as a beautiful landscape. And what lies on the landscape before you is a path. And it is a straight path. And when you enter onto that path, that which you need is presented to you in form. That which you require for your growth, that which you require for your love, that which you require for your sustenance are all presented to you, as you need them.
And on this path you walk by yourself and you see before you the other travelers on the road. And with their blessing, you acknowledge the Christ in them as you acknowledge the Christ within yourself. And you bow to the beauty that is before you in your fellow man, in your fellow woman. You bow to the magnificence that is created in God’s likeness. That is your job as a Christ, to bow before the creations of the Father and to witness them in their beauty and in their fullness. Period.
The road lands before you. It is never ending. You are always on a path of understanding and achievement in consciousness. So why do you get so frightened when a dish crashes to the ground before you? It was just a dish. You don’t always have to clean them up either; sometimes they just go away, because the path has led you forward anyway. Speak of this as a meditation that you can each do on your own when you worry about your lives:
“I am walking on my path. That which I need is presented to me in perfect ways. I am not longer afraid of the residue of my past catching up to me. Because the past is over. I have released it. I am free in my understanding of myself as the Word. I Am Word through my being, Word I Am Word. I Am Word through my forgiveness of myself for all things, past, present and future, Word I Am Word. I Am Word through the blessings that are forthcoming in my life through this time, and through all times. Word I am Word through this intention, Word I Am Word.”
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