Monday, April 12, 2010

Channeling 1/21/2010 "The Path"

(The following is the transcript of a group channeling held in New York City on January 21, 2010.  It was followed by group and individual energy work.) 

We’re ready to talk.  And time’s coming to change things.  Each one of you must remember always that you have come for a reason.  And you have come here to remember who you are.  The moment you forget it you step out of the Word and back into a level of reality that causes you pain. 

Now we are not saying that pain isn’t a useful thing.  Of course, it can be.  But when you are vibrating in tandem with the frequency we call Word you are bypassing many troubles, and that is because the troubles that you think of are not thought of at that level of frequency.  It’s really very simple.  You are bypassing issues by lifting your frequency above that pain.  That pain cannot exist in that level of knowing.

Now we are not telling you that there is not pain in this world.  We are not lying to you.  However, we are telling you that many things that you invest in that create pain for you in their ways are created by the self that is frightened of the self, and that is the self that finds things to be scared of.  If you are not frightened of something you do not call it to you in fear.  If you are not worried about something you do not invest in it as a potential reality and, consequently, your frequency is higher because you are not vibrating in the low energies; you are lifted above them in intention.

Now tonight we want to lift you above where you have been collectively as a group, and we want to refine the frequency of the group, as it were, in such a way that you can know how to do this any moment of the day, that you can remember where you are and know already, “I am Word,” and shift it up again.  When you are in that frequency, you realign your consciousness.  When you are not in that frequency you are operating from a lower sense of self and, consequently, that is what you bring to you again and again and again.

Now we are wanting to think thoughts of you that will support you as you move forward.  We are wanting to bring to you ideas that will lift you and anchor you in a higher frequency. We are wanting to share with you information that will bring to you a new way of operating in your own reality.  And as we say this with you, we offer you this truth: Tonight is the night when you can begin to invest in yourself operationally as an aspect of Christ.  And what we mean by this is you are the manifestation of the Christ embodied.  You are the one who has come in the name of God. You are the one who is here to learn to become and to receive the gifts of the Father, of the Universe, if you wish, to bring forth His glory to the world.

Now none of you here has come for this out of fear and we are grateful for that. There is no one in this room who is saying “I am such a bad soul, I must be redeemed and I have to become Christ so I feel like I’m a worthy person.”  That is not the way to operate at all. In fact, when you do that, you are embarking on a passage in fear and you will have to realign it as you come forward into a higher frequency.  However, each one of you has made a decision already to, yes, say, “I am Word,” and know what that means.  And to say, “I am Word” and know what that means really means that you are the Christ, and we cannot say otherwise. 

Now to be the Christ in this time does not mean that you are walking around in a robe and that you are laying your hands on everybody and that you’re going to get crucified on a cross.  You are an aspect of the Christ, as is every man, as is every woman.  And as you remember them in their divinity you are recalled in your own.  As you remember yourself in your awareness of Christ you are remembered by us, and the lifting happens in tandem with the intention “I am Word.”

Now tonight we want to call you to service in the most practical way possible, which is to send you off with a list of things that you must do in attendance of others. And we say “to others” with one caution: The work that you will do with others must be shared consciously. We are not telling you this week to run around to strangers, but to find a friend and to sit with her and share the frequency in a conscious way so that you may begin to have your own experience of the feedback you require with others who are not here.

We started you off in teams of two listening to one another and sending frequency, and that was a good start but it was very much “in house’, if you wish.  And we want you to stand on your own now in a way that you can claim “I am Word through this one I see before me.”  “I am Word through her bad back.” “I am Word through his fear of himself.” “I am Word through her knowing,” or whatever is required, and understand what you are doing through the reflection that you receive by your partner.

So we say to you this.  As you work this week you will be taking notes on a piece of paper and you will recall them at the end of the day and you will meditate with them.  This is an assignment.  You will listen to yourselves.  You will ask yourself where you were in frequency, where you fell out of frequency, where you diminished your own knowing because you were frightened of what you saw or what you could feel. You will begin to ask yourself each day what it means to be in Word so you can have a conscious experience of it.

As you stand here in this room tonight and people send you frequency, you believe in the frequency because as apparent to your physical senses, and you have a shared, common experience of wonder in the Word.  And we have told you before that wonder is the opening.  Wonder aligns you to possibilities unseen, and wonder will carry you foreword. But you are not doing this yet in your personal lives.  You are standing here tonight in your wonder.  But we want you to take your wonder into a private space in reflection at the end of your days and see where you are doing your work.  We will tell you this: It feels like work now because you are having to practice something to be in remembrance of it.  However, as you get used to lifting your frequency, that is where you live and you will not like it when you fall below a certain level.

Now Paul is wondering why we are attached to lower levels of feeling and thinking and we will tell him what we say about this is cautionary: You are attached to low frequency because it gives you a sense of empowerment that rage can give you, or fear can give you.  You get a “fix” from it and as it were.  You like the feeling, in a way, because it’s empowering to the familiar self.   Each time you lift up higher you have to bypass lower levels of self.  Now you don’t discard them.  All you are releasing, really, are those aspects of itself that are no longer in service to you.  But that is not a dismemberment. There is nothing terrible about that.  But the attachment to the lower is habit.  And you are reminded always of this habit because most people are engaged there.

Paul would like an example.  If everybody says “War is good,” or “Revenge is necessary,” there is a common occurrence of invitation to lower frequency. The moment you combine your own fear with the fear of others you move into a matrix of fear and you reside there for as long as you choose to. As you rise in frequency you stop owning that truth as a reality you wish to inhabit.  And when you lift from it you do so with a knowing that you are moving away from a group consciousness that is no longer serving you.  Are we making sense, yes?

Now we ask you tonight about your own willingness to lift yourself in the face of what you know. “I am lifting my fear in the face of this issue.”  “I am remembering who I am in the face of this person who thinks so little of me,” or “who I have invested power in.”    “I am lifting my frequency in my knowing with the awareness that I am in my choice.”  Everybody has choice, you know, and you don’t remember most of the time that you are choosing your feelings out of habit and you can unlearn learned behavior once you choose to.

So we want to give you presents tonight, and these are presents of consciousness. These are presents of connections to those you will work with. And these are presents of awareness of yourself in this frequency we call Word.

Now we will take you through a journey, and we are going to recede Paul as we can.

We want you to imagine right now that you are standing on a walkway.  And it’s a paved walkway with brick stones leading a garden path forward into the unknown.  We would like you to stand at the base of this path and thank yourself for all you have been through to bring you here.  All you have endured, all you have asked for, all you have cried over, all you have looked at, and listened at, and wondered about. All of those things stand there with you because they have brought you to this place in time.

And we say to you this:  On this night you will embark on this path and you will begin to walk with others who will be coming to you as you walk.  So we would like you begin to walk down this path and begin to realize as you are doing this that you are releasing those things from the past, those situations, those fears, those judgments of self and others, those “feelings” that have kept you in past situations and not informed your present moment in a new way.  So we ask you to walk forward.  And again, and again and again, we ask you to walk forward.

As you stand there on your path you see someone before you who emerges from the darkness or the shadows.  Somebody stands before you and makes himself known, herself known.  See who it is, and ask them what they need. Do not question the answer you get.  Listen to them and see what you know in your heart.  Now you will offer this benediction in their honor:

“I see you as a perfect being. I see you healed and whole. I see you in your awareness of your own Christed Self and I give it to you as a gift as it was given to me.  I am Word through my body, Word I am Word.  I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.  I am Word through my vibration. I am Word through the one I see before me.”

And offer your hands to them and let them be received by you.  And as you work with them as you are told to through your own knowing, you listen to yourself and you listen to them.  Receive what you need to know and allow the work to begin.  “I am Word through the one I see before me.  Word I am Word.”

Blessings to each of you.  Let this happen again and again and again. 

As you are on your path, those who are coming to you are coming to you for a reason. They will be your teachers, they will be your healers, they will be the ones who teach you the power and the frequency that you are inhabiting now.  No one is doing this without intention. No one is doing this without knowing.  You are all in your vibration and you are all connecting to those you would serve.

We will ask you now to move forward on the path, more and more and more. And be aware that as you are walking the path is building in light and the frequency around you is lifting in vibration.  So feel this please.

“I am now moving forward and I am increasing my own vibration as I Word through all that I see before me.”

Someone else will now appear out of the mist, or through a doorway, or in whatever way they appear.  See who it is and ask them what they need and listen to the response that you get.

“I am offering this gift to you as it has been given to me.  I am Word though the one I see before me, Word I am Word.  I am Word through my body, Word I am Word.  I am Word through my vibration, Word I am Word.  I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.”

And you listen to them and you allow their frequency to do what is required to correct. Let it come, let it come, let it come.

Feel this please.   Feel yourself at work.   And understand that you are being called in service in the way it is right for you.  Now we ask you this:  Are you willing to stand in your knowing?  Are you willing to claim your power?  Are you willing to become this in truth in a way that is real to you?  We are moving away from conjecture now, you know.  We are moving into manifestation.  And that is this next phase.  This is what has been coming for a while, and we are teaching you this in preparation of your new love of soul connectedness to Word.

“I am Word through all that I see before me” will be a truth that you will know as real because it cannot be otherwise.  However, in order for this to be so, you have to be the one who chooses it and works with the rigor that is required of a student of the Divine. “I am Word through all that I see before me.”

Now we will ask you this:

On this night before us, are you willing to claim your power from anything and everything that has kept you from your knowing yourself as a Divine Being?

On this night, are you willing to claim power back from any and all structures that have been there to remind you that you are not who we say you are, that would like to keep you in a diminished state of consciousness and awareness?

On this night, are you willing to claim your power back from the small self who is frightened of this growth and is fearful that he or she will not be loved and taken along on this next phase of the journey?

Are you willing tonight to say yes to your soul’s journey made into form?

“Yes I am willing. Yes, I willing.  Yes I am willing. Yes, I am willing. I am Word thought his intention.  Word I am Word.”

We will gift you all now with the reliance on light that you will require in order to make this passage truthful.  Allow the light to come to you now.

I am Word through my body, Word I am Word. 

I am Word through my vibration, Word I am Word.  

I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.

Let the energy come.  Everybody come to the altar tonight and everybody stand knowing that she is in her truth, that he in his truth. I am Word, I am Word, I am Word.  Thank you each.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Channeling 1/14/2010 "Radical Change"

(The following is the transcript of a group channeling held in NYC on January 14, 2010. It was followed by group energy work and instruction.)

We have to talk, because the times are changing again and the radical changes are upon you. And when we say “radical change,” we mean everything is about to change, and for the good. And you must remind yourself of this, and “for the good” is the key. As times change the requirements change, and each one of you here who has been called to service and has been called to activate others must come into form. And by “form” we mean, you must stand in your knowing and you must sing the song of Word. “I Am that I Am. I have come as Word and I am learning who I am as I go forward in this journey.”

Now each one of you present has created something in your system and you might as well see yourselves as an emissary, as an activated soul who has come here for the benefit of others. If you decide tonight, at this time, that you are ready to work, the work will be presented to you. If you decide tonight that you are not ready to work, that you do not want this work, you will not be given the work and you will wait your turn again, as it were, until the next offering is made.

Now what does it mean to decide this? It means that you give yourself thoroughly and appropriately to the higher cause. And “higher cause,” we will say, is a creation of the light. As you are in the light, as you are working with the light, you triumph as light. If you decide you don’t want it, you go back to your life and you think about it until the next wave comes. But we will say this to you. The time is here and it is present for each of you to know this. What you came for has come. What you came for is present. What you came for knows itself as Word.

So tonight we want to feed you, as it were. We want to gift you with the nourishment you will require to go on this next leg of the journey. And this is a big one. When you stand in your power and you train yourselves to claim you are Word, you sign the song in frequency. And the frequency calls others to you who would benefit from the song you sing.

Now we are not being decisive in how we want to give you the assignments for a very good reason. You are the one that calls to you those you will work with. Who Paul has been called to work with will be remarkably different than Sue Ann, or Fred, or John; who may be woken by Jeffrey, or Dean, or Jan or somebody else that is in tune with the record that is playing triumphantly of the Song of Word.

Now as you stand there on this designed journey you make a decision to stand firm regardless of what is shown to you that you can’t come into form fully and stand in your power regardless of what is presented to you.

Now Paul is wanting an example and we will give you one. If you are standing in your power and you are in resonance, “Word I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word” and somebody comes up and sticks their tongue out at you and says, “Well, yeah, then how come you’re this? Or you do that? And you can’t be this because I am not that, so it cannot be possible.” Well, your responsibility, then, is to resonate as Word and claim your power in this situation and align to it for the benefit of both of you.

It is not always about you, you know. When somebody contests you, it’s not about your lesson, necessarily; it’s about their growth.

Now when you are presented with a picture of what you can become and you did not believe you could become this, you have one of two responses. One is excitement and one is fear. And when one is in fear, one has a tendency to negate the accomplishment, or the growth, or the response of the one who stands before him. Now when you are in this position, you want to negate what you see. When you are in your fear you do not see the wonder that is before you. When you are in your worth and you see the possibility of more growth you go, “Yes, yes, yes. I see what I see. And I am wiling to go there. And I am happy to be there. And I will be shown the way.” So each one tonight, we speak of you as journeying. We speak of you as doing this work. And we tell you this:

You are given the opportunity each day to be in service. You are given the opportunity each day to sing this song. The extent that you do is the extent that you raise your frequency into fullness. And as you go forward, you are bringing to you what you need without question.

Now each tonight will design a pattern for himself or herself. You will each design a system to work with that will gift you what you need as you walk forward when you need support, when you need information, when you need responses from your own self to know what to do. It’s as if we are going to give you a little hip-sack that you can pull out a card and say, “Yes, now I know what is responsible in this situation. Now I know what I must do.” So tonight we want to give you assignments. But as much as we want to give you assignments, we want you to feel confident about the journey that is before you. When you have answered, “I am willing.” you have called to you willingness. When you say, “Yes, I am in my power, I am in my knowing, I am doing with this with the intention to serve others,” you call to you those you would serve. And if you understand this, what comes to you is what is required for those who need you.

Now if you believe today that you are done with this work, that you cannot do anymore, that is fine. We will not penalize you for this. There is no wrong way to do this. But if you decide “Yes,” you will call to you tonight the support that you need to go forward in this work. Tonight is the night of relegation of love, and we are going to designate you each as loved and in love so that the power of love will carry you on this walk. As you walk out of here tonight you will be designing yourselves tonight in one way: “I am the one in love, and all I see before me I see in the province of love. And therefore all is love.”

Now this sounds like a huge thing, and in fact it is. However it is less obvious than you think it is. The strata of love, we would say, is already inexistence. You are not conjuring something that does not exist. You are simply activating yourself to a state where you can be in alignment with what is already present. Do you understand this?

If you can imagine that there is a note on a piano that is always playing but you do not hear it because the pitch is too high, what you will be doing now is aligning with that pitch, and consequently that pitch will be in resonance with everyone and everything that you encounter. This does not happen without your permission, this does not happen without your work. If you are having a dreadful day, how do you anticipate walking around in love? Well, we will tell you how. Get out of your own way. Allow the love to be what it is.

“I am Word through my ability to redesign myself as I wish. I am Word through my ability to remember what I am. I am Word though my responsibility as a Divine Being to sing the praise of All that Is regardless of what my lower mind would dictate.”

Now if you understand tonight that this is a journey and a journey implies change and changes of scenery, you will understand tonight that you are moving out of your comfort zone into a realignment at a higher level. This will be experienced by you, this will be understood by you, and this will be having its own way regardless of what you decide.

Now we told you earlier that there was a choice to be made. And this is made on two different levels: on a heart level, and on a level of mind in consciousness. And if you wish, at this time, we will stand here with you and state this intention for you.

“I am now choosing to commit myself to serve as I am. I am now willing to realign my energy frequency to a higher level so that I may be sung as Word. I am now listening to myself and in my heart I open yourself to the wonder of all that is in all men, in all beings and I say, ‘Yes, yes, yes, I am in service to good. Yes, I am in service to what is required of me, and I am wiling to allow the changes to come that are required that are for my highest good.’ I am Word through this intention, Word I am Word.”

Now tonight is the big night. Tonight is the night of change, and tonight is the night of worship, and we say worship in one way. When you are in worship you are in praise. When you are in praise, you are recollecting yourself as an aspect of the Creator and you are not serving your ego self. When you are listening to yourself with this aspect of the self in alignment, the information that comes to you is heralded and responded to you by your system in a way that you can experience and understand. So you must each get ready to be talked to, as it were.

What it means to be talked to is this. Are you willing tonight to listen? Are you willing tonight to be in service and to receive the instruction that your require in your hip-sack, as it were? Are you willing to be told, in way that suits you, what is required in any situation that you are called to serve in? It can be as simple as “John needs a hand on his back” and as complicated as “I have to get to Phoenix tomorrow because there are people expecting me who I am to serve.” You will understand as it comes, as you to learn to honor what comes, and as you are able to discern what is in your voice and in ours.

The aspects of the self that are in communication with you are Higher Selves and you must not be frightened of that. As you learn to listen to yourself on this level, you clarify what it means to know yourself and this is a good thing. If there is fear invoked in anything you hear, you can count on the fact that this is not your Higher Self or us responding to you because we do not deal in fear.

Each of you is going to recall the time when you learned who you were. And each one of you will learn again who you are now in truth. This is the promise of the time. The team is ready to play on the field, as it were, and you are now ready to be in the game. The preparation has been going on for some time and it will continue. But the difference will be you are going to be working, you are going to be out there, and you are going to be conscious of it, as it were.

(Note: We are still trying to locate the recording from 12/30/10 and will post that when we can.)